REPRODUCTION WESTWARD HO GOBLET - 1930's to 1990's, L.G. Wright Glass Co. (Possibly made by Westmorland for L.G. Wright, but unconfirmed) |

- Reproductions are much heavier in weight, and thicker than originals.
- The reproductions lack the crispness and details of the originals.
- Reproductions exist in coloured, coloured with frosting, clear and clear with frosting. Originals have only been found in clear-frosted examples.
- When examining details, the reproductions are poor copies. The reproduction deer has little clarity, is missing it's detailed face, the hair on its body and the well defined body muscle of the original deer. This lack of detail continues through the log cabin, bison, mountains and foliage.
- Reproductions frosting tend to have a rough chalky feel and appearance, while originals are soft and satiny to the touch.

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Sean George Pressed Glass & Goblets P.O. Box 369 Arthur, Ontario Canada N0G 1A0 519-848-2200 Email: info@pressedglassandgoblets.com |