- Reproductions are heavier, thicker and lack the original's detail.
- Reproductions often have a slight green tint to the glass.
- When examining the stem, reproductions lack detail in the ladies hair, braids, neck piece and facial features.
- The frosting on reproductions is most often chalky, white and course to the touch, where the originals are soft and satiny to the touch.
* Recently, we noticed another difference to help identify the production periods. On the Originals, the foot is flat, while the Reproductions seem to have sloped or domed foot.
***In these pictures, we can see a difference in the bases. The Original examples have a completely flat foot, while the Reproduction examples appear to all have domed bases. In this picture, you can again see the lack of detail in the Reproduction (right), and the chalky finish, verses the Satin Finish on the Originals (left).

Saucer Champagnes as above were made by Imperial and will have the "MMA" embossed logo on each eample.
