Coloured Reproductions Found Include...
Vaseline, Vaseline Opalescent, Ruby Red, Green, Cobalt Blue, Clear, Amber, Amethyst and Blue. |
- Reproductions are heavier, thicker, larger in size and have a smaller foot. Reproductions were also made in various colours, where originals were only produced in a clear version.
- Reproductions are not as finely detailed, leaves are unnatural looking and lack stippling.
- Reproduction Strawberries also look unnatural, as the seeds are 3 dimensional circles rather than crisply moulded seeds. On the Reproductions, the dimple at the bottom of the pear is missing the detailed bud leaf.
- On most reproductions the panelling at the base of the bowl is almost non-existent. The panelling on the reproductions appear as a rippling or waviness where originals have a crisply moulded band.

Wine Glass
