- 1860's Flint, Mckee Brothers Glass Co. - Pittsburg, Pennsylvania
- 1860's Flint, Boston and Sandwich Glass Co. - Sandwich, Massachusetts
- Circa 1950's, Tumblers only were Imported to New York from Czechoslovakia, company still unknown
- 1960's, B & P Lamp Supply Co. - McMinnville, Tennessee, Produced Lamps Only
- 1960's, L.G. Wright Glass Co., New Martinsville, West Virginia

- Reproductions are heavier, less crisp and thicker than the originals.
- There is no presence of lead content found in reproductions, so when the glass is "pinged" or tapped, the sound will be dull. As the originals have lead content, then if you were to ping the glass, there will be a long and musical tone, which is the indication for lead in glass.
- Reproductions do tend to be more brilliant in colour, and lack the old look of glass.
- Majority of coloured examples seen are Reproductions, but originals were made in Milk Glass, Cobalt Blue, Vaseline, Clambroth and Amethyst. All these colours are with lead content (flint) and extremely rare!